

Transnational Constitution Making

External Actors, Expertise, and Democratic Transition

This book examines the largely neglected, but crucial role of transnational actors in democratic constitution-making. The writing or rewriting of constitutions is usually a key moment in democratic transitions. But how exactly does this take place? Most contemporary comparative constitutional literature draws on the concept of constituent power – the power of the people – to address this moment. But what this overlooks, this book argues, is the important role of external, transnational, actors who tend to play a crucial role in the process.


  • Michigan Journal of Law and Society, 2022

    Scholars have acknowledged the significant transnational dimension of constitution-making. This paper sheds light on how the transnational dimension of constitution-making materializes by examining external actors’ involvement in an understudied stage of constitution-making: constitutional drafting. Drawing on an in-depth examination of external actor involvement during the making of the 2014 Tunisian Constitution, this Article proposes a typology detailing how external actors’ expertise was provided, elucidating the different modes of action of external actors involvement during constitution-making.


  • Annuaire international de justice constitutionnelle, 2017


  • Trinity College Law Review 2016



  • Research Handbook on Law and Political Systems (ed. Robert M. Howard, Kirk A. Randazzo, Rebecca A. Reid) 2023, Edward Elgar

    This chapter argues that studying the transnational dimension of constitution-making is an important element of understanding how political systems are built. Drawing on discussions on the political dimension of expertise in legal reforms, the chapter describes how this translates to constitution-making, providing a more accurate and comprehensive picture of the transnational dimension of constitution-making, with an empirically driven account of foreign expert involvement. This chapter uses the case study of the 2014 Tunisian constitution to shed light on the transnational dimension of constitution-making


  • La démocratie à l'épreuve ; entre transitions constitutionnelles et défis écologique, 2023, Le Bord de l’Eau

    Cette contribution vise à problématiser l’écriture constitutionnelle en période de transition démocratique à travers la grille d’analyse proposée par les apports tiers-mondistes du droit international. Cela permettra de mettre en exergue certains enjeux qui échappent généralement à l’analyse, nous permettant de nous dépêtrer des visions parfois romantiques que l’objet Constitution peut avoir. Cette contribution mettra en lumière le rôle ambigu que joue la Constitution en période de transition constitutionnelle : un outil à la fois d’émancipation et de maintien du statu quo.


  • Transitional Justice in Tunisia: Innovations, Continuities, Challenges (ed. Simon Robins, Paul Gready) 2022, Routledge

    This chapter explores the international dimension of the transitional justice process that occurred in Tunisia. A tension between developing global standards and the demand for a bottom-up, tailored approach characterises transitional justice as a field. The mandate of transitional justice is integrated into post-conflict and democratic transitions, where international actors are allowed an extensive role to assist in processes. While acknowledging the dialectical nature of transitional justice, this chapter will focus on the international aspect that characterises the transitional justice process as a whole. The type of transitional justice typically advocated by international actors is characterised by a legalistic understanding, composed of a set of state-led measures and institutional reforms. It has been widely criticised by the critical strand of transitional justice literature. However, as this chapter will show, international actors’ involvement remains significant and, indeed, is essential to understanding the challenges surrounding contemporary transitional justice processes.


  • (with Celia Nennen) L’Europe des droits de l’homme à l’heure d’Internet (ed. Cécile de Terwangne and Quentin Van Enis), Brussels, Bruylant, 2019, 527-557

    Comment les outils juridiques dont nous disposons peuvent-ils être analysés pour penser l'émergence d'un vrai droit d'accès à la culture sur Internet ? Dans un premier temps, il y a lieu de définir les notions de droit d'accès à la culture (II) avant d'examiner comment le droit de l'Union européenne (111) et la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme (IV) appréhendent celui-ci sur Internet.


  • (With Romainville, Céline ; Rolland, Gautier); Le partage des compétences et le droit européen et international. In: Marc Verdussen, Céline Romainville, Les grands arrêts sur le partage des compétences dans l’État fédéral , Larcier : Bruxelles 2019, p.pp. 398-434

Book reviews

  • The Palestine Yearbook of International Law 2021


  • Droit et Société